Carillon Historical Park is a 65-acre open-air history museum
that serves as the main campus for Dayton History.
We share the amazing stories of how Dayton changed the world!

Mon - Sat: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm - 5:00pm

1000 Carillon Boulevard
Dayton, Ohio 45409

The Collections Corner | January 19, 2016

The Collections Corner | January 19, 2016

Many of Dayton’s sons played an active role in the fighting overseas by serving in all branches of the military. Thousands of Dayton men enlisted during military recruiting events, leaving their jobs and families behind in order to take up arms and fight for their country. Their families and loved ones were encouraged to send mail and care packages to the soldiers as for many of these young men; this would be their first time away from home. Troop morale was of utmost importance and folks we encouraged to do their share by keeping in touch with the boys in the trenches. The following are just two examples of articles published in issues of the NCR News in 1917:

Do Your Share… According to the ruling of the Post Office Authorities it is possible for all of us to do our share in the way of furnishing suitable reading matter to our boys in the trenches. When you are finished reading a magazine or newspaper, regardless of weight, affix a one cent stamp on the front page and it will be forwarded to our forces. It can be dropped in any letter box or at the Post Office. Imagine the amount of good we can do by exerting a little effort on our part. These magazines and papers will be appreciated both by our boys in the trenches and also those who might become disabled and are confined in the hospitals.

          – IV, Number 5, November 1917

Write to the Boys at The Front… Next to “Mess” there probably isn’t anything more welcome to a soldier than tidings from home or a card from the boys on the job. Letters from home or the plant break the monotony of camp life and makes the soldier feel that his absence from home and friends is not entirely unnoticed. If you have visited any of the camps and note how eagerly the boys look for letters, you know what it means. So get busy and write some cheery news to the boys…”                                   

          – IV, Number 6, December 1917

In an effort to do their part to help maintain morale, NCR offered to provide any assistance necessary to help send mail to coworkers and family members serving in the military. The company also sent copies of the NCR News magazines to each of their employees who had enlisted.